Yesterday was the 1st day of Spring. Hooray!
With that I felt the energy of Spring and came up with a mini 30 day challenge – which is to research and find information about all things mobile (smartphone adoption, mobile patterns, mobile web…) and tweet about them, at least one tweet every day for the next 29 days (yesterday counted as Day 1). From stats to marketing insights to scientific research….
Midway I hope to compile a compilation post, and at the end of the thirty days, a summary of what I’ve learned about the “state of the mobile web in 2014” with a focus on Canada.
Day 1: “Mobile used to be the future of business … used to be a trend. Now it’s the norm.” via @EntMagazine
Day 2: Six in 10 Canadians access the Internet via a mobile device … #30DaysofMobile
I’m going to use the hashtag #30DaysofMobile. Follow me @diamedia
If you like, tweet me and ask me a question about something mobile and I’ll see if I can find something of interest about it, and I’ll tweet you an answer.
Happy Spring!